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Local Host Daily
The Baldwin Project
[Spring 2020]
Medium - Social/Digital/Educational/Documentation
Medium - Social/Digital/Educational/Documentation
In May 2020, we reached a tipping point with the death of George Floyd. As more information became available, we saw an outpouring of emotion on social media followed by debate and protests in population centers all over the United States. During this time, there was an overwhelming exchange of information, opinions, and imagery. People wanted to act and they wanted to find something to believe in and stand by, but often-times, didn’t know where exactly to look or how they could help.
Baldwin’s goal is to clarify and educate by providing a permanent, open-source hub for information.

With events such as Trevor Noah’s IGTV post, we’ve learned that a face is much more effective than a typeface when trying to dissect the complicated issues surrounding inequality in America. Dialogue and monologue are vital in finding common ground with the majority of Americans who might not be as well-versed on the various topics that are posted about daily.
The IGTV series hopes to touch on the most important pieces of content being circulated while also diving into the context and history of the posts, phenomena, and debates.
It’s important that the anchors/voices are from all walks of life and come across as relatable, captivating Americans who are passionate about what they’re discussing and the fact that you learn it.

IG Stickers
Using instagram stickers, we’ll be able to create a curated feed of posts relevant to each day’s events.

What’s probably the most important part of this project is the webpage.

Not Pictured: The Donate Page - Here, we’ll take every link, from screenshots that are being posted as well as other webpages, and host them on our site. We’ll have a write-up on each org and under it we’ll have links that will take people to the donation pages of vetted Bailout Funds and other organizations. Names & Faces - Will talk about the most important figures with write-ups that explain who they are and why you’re seeing their names on the internet.
The History - Will give an overview of the Civil Rights Movement and various other events that have gotten us to where we’re at today.
Behind The Posts - This is an extension of the IGTV series which will explain the background and thinking behind the social posts that we’re seeing today.
The Be Heard Page - Here, we’ll have information about upcoming protests and also tell people advice on other ways that they can get involved.